Kitsap County High School Seniors - Don't Wait Long to Schedule Your Senior Photos!

It’s your senior year and an exciting time for you! Don’t forget to schedule your 2025 high school senior portrait and photoshoot soon with one of Bremerton’s professional photographers, Jolly, at Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio in Bremerton, Washington. I look forward to helping you create some really special and awesome photos! Jolly Sienda has over 18 years of professional photography experience; and, Jolly Sienda was recognized as Bremerton, Washington’s, Best of 2024 by BBB, Better Business Bureau.

Contact information: Website:, E:, T: 240-899-5295, Jolly Sienda Social: Instagram , Facebook , LinkedIn.

Senior portraits and senior photo sessions by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington.

Senior portraits and senior photo sessions by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington.

Senior portraits and senior photo sessions by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington.

Senior portraits and senior photo sessions by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington.

Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio at:, E:, T: 240-899-5295, Jolly on Instagram , Jolly on Facebook , Jolly on LinkedIn, T: 240-899-5295.

High School Seniors Photos for 2025 Grads at Bremerton's Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

It’s your senior year! Very exciting!!! Don’t forget to schedule your 2025 high school senior portrait photoshoot soon with Bremerton’s trusted and experienced professional photographer, Jolly, at Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio in Bremerton, Washington. I look forward to helping you create awesome photos! Jolly at, E:, T: 240-899-5295, Jolly on Instagram , Jolly on Facebook , Jolly on LinkedIn If you are active duty military or a military retiree receive 10 percent off by mentioning this ad with identification through October 1, 2024. Contact Jolly for information, pricing, and scheduling at 240-899-5295,,

High School Senior portraiture at Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington

High School Senior Portrait in cap and gown by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington

High school senior on location photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington

Schedule your 2025 high school senior photos today at Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington

Schedule your 2025 high school senior photos today at Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, Washington by calling 240-899-5295, E:, W:, Jolly on Instagram , Jolly on Facebook , Jolly on LinkedIn

Plan to Get Your Senior Photos Soon -- 2024 and 2025 Graduates by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

Photographing Kitsap County high school seniors is a lot of fun. For your photoshoots we can incorporate your interests and hobbies, family, the Pacific Northwest outdoors and also use my professional photography studio. Contact me soon to book your senior photoshoot. Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio in East Bremerton, Washington, at 240-899-5295,,, Facebook and Instagram.

High School Senior Photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

High School Senior Photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

High School Senior Photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

High School Senior Photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

High School Senior Photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

High School Senior Photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

High School Senior Photoshoots by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

Congratulations Seniors! Let’s get some great photos of you! Contact me soon to book your senior photoshoot. Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio in East Bremerton, Washington, at 240-899-5295,,, Facebook and Instagram.

Meet Avery McReynolds Celebrating her Youth and Being a Senior by Jolly Sienda Photography

I had so much fun meeting and photographing Avery for her senior portraits. She’s a natural in front of the camera and at her photo session we did portraiture in my photography studio as well as outdoors. Avery’s best friend and her mom were with her during the session so I took a few pictures of them together with Avery too. Here are a few photos from Avery’s senior portrait photo session with Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio located in Bremerton, WA.

Avery McReynolds senior portraits by Jolly Sienda Photography, Bremerton, WA.

Avery McReynolds senior portraits by Jolly Sienda Photography, Bremerton, WA.

Avery McReynolds, senior portrait photos, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portrait photos, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portrait photo session with Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

Avery McReynolds, senior portrait photo session with Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio

Avery McReynolds, senior portraits, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portraits, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery and her best friend by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, WA.

Avery and her best friend by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio, Bremerton, WA.

Avery McReynolds, senior portraits, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portraits, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds senior portaiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds senior portaiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portrait session with Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portrait session with Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portraiture session by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portraiture session by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portraits, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery McReynolds, senior portraits, by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery and her mom Nicole by Jolly Sienda Photography

Avery and her mom Nicole by Jolly Sienda Photography

Loved love working with Avery and meeting her friend and her mom at her photo session. Thanks so much Avery!!

Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio is located in Bremerton, Washington at 240-899-5295,, Website, Facebook, and Instagram.

BIG Congratulations to Spencer Rutledge, Senior, and a Member of the Graduating Class of 2021!

Had a lot of fun meeting and photographing Spencer for his senior photos this week. Spencer is looking forward to graduation in June 2021, and is interested in pursuing, possibly, a career in film and movie production. He’s a big fan of Science Fiction movies, Marvel, and the Black Panther films. Towards the end of our photo session together he surprised me with a light wand and his super cool black cape, which helped him get into character, like in the movies. Here’s a peak at some of Spencer’s photos by Jolly Sienda Photography in Bremerton. Photos were done in our studio and on location.

Spencer Rutledge chuckles at one of my jokes by Jolly Sienda Photography

Spencer Rutledge chuckles at one of my jokes by Jolly Sienda Photography

Spencer Rutledge, in character, by Jolly Sienda Photography in Bremerton, WA.

Spencer Rutledge, in character, by Jolly Sienda Photography in Bremerton, WA.

Wishing Spencer the best of luck as he graduates high school and goes after his dreams.

Does your senior need new photos? Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio in Bremerton is here to help. Contact us at 240-899-5295,, Web:, Facebook and Instagram at Jolly Sienda Photography!

Congratulations Hailey!! 2021 Senior Gradutation Photo Session of Hailey by Jolly Sienda Photography

Had a great time with Hailey today taking some photos of her at Lions Park and in our Bremerton studio to celebrate her senior year in high school and her graduation this year. Wishing you the best Hailey! Way to go! Senior photos by Jolly Sienda Photography in Bremerton, WA., at 240-899-5295 / / /Facebook and Instagram. A photo session with Jolly includes helping with posing naturally and showing off your best self, studio and or location settings, photo editing and re-touch, beautiful images on a USB flash drive to print and share, and several 5 x 7 prints. Please contact us for pricing and more details about other photo product offerings. Can’t wait to work with you! Jolly.

Graduation and senior photo session of Hailey by Jolly Sienda Photography

Graduation and senior photo session of Hailey by Jolly Sienda Photography

Congratulations Hailey 2021 High School Graduate!! Photos by Jolly Sienda Photography

Congratulations Hailey 2021 High School Graduate!! Photos by Jolly Sienda Photography

Thanks so much Hailey! We’d love to take photos of your life too! Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio is located in East Bremerton at 240-899-5295 / / /Facebook and Instagram

Eco-Therapist, Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, Environmental Branding Portraiture Session

Looking for a way to de-stress? Eco-Therapist, Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, provides thoughtful care by sharing her connection with the earth and ecotherapy: evergreens, forest, and green spaces which humans and well as creatures inhabit. Ecotherapy is an approach that rests on the idea that people have a deep connection to their environment and to the earth itself. In this same line of thinking, failing to nurture this connection can take a toll on your well-being, particularly your mental health. The following portraiture was done by Jolly Sienda Photography of Bremerton, Washington, for Ms. Vandenberghe’s website (presently under construction). You may contact her at

Are you a professional needing branding and career portraiture for you website and marketing campaigns? We’d love to work with you to help you showcase your best self. Contact Jolly Sienda Photography at 240-899-5295 / / / Social: and

Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, Ecotherapist, lifestyle branding portraiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, Ecotherapist, lifestyle branding portraiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, Ecotherapist, lifestyle branding portraiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, Ecotherapist, lifestyle branding portraiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, Ecotherapist, lifestyle branding portraiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Rose Vandenberghe, PhD, Ecotherapist, lifestyle branding portraiture by Jolly Sienda Photography

Learn more about branding and lifestyle photography sessions at Jolly Sienda Photography, Bremerton, WA, Tel: 240-899-5295 / / / Social: and