More fun, candid and loving wedding moments with Stacy and Alan on their wedding day! Enjoy! Congratulations!! Wedding photography by Jolly Sienda Photography in Bremerton, WA.
The Brothers Burdick wedding is about to begin by Jolly Sienda Photography
Stacy Brothers, Bride to Be, with her Maid of Honor by Jolly Sienda Photography
Lifelong friends — Alan with his best man just before the wedding by Jolly Sienda Photography
Stacy and Alan have a little fun with their wedding party by Jolly Sienda Photography
Bridal wedding portraiture of Stacy by Jolly Sienda Photography
Excited to be Mr. and Mrs by Jolly Sienda Photography
It’s official! We are married by Jolly Sienda Photography.
Congratulations for Stacy and Alan! Wedding Photography by Jolly Sienda Photography
Wishing Stacy and Alan great love and happiness!
Wedding Photography by Jolly Sienda Photography and Studio in Bremerton at, 240-899-5295,, Facebook and Instagram