This week, May 20-24, 2019, I had the pleasure to work with Excelsior College, Albany, New York, to photograph Kaneesha Roarke, student almuni, who resides on the Kitsap Peninsula, Wa., and is pursuing a doctoral degree. Here is the link Excelsior College to her story ‘Overcoming Obstacles: Kaneesha Roarke’. The photo they used is below. More photos from our environmental photography session are also below. Thank you Excelsior College and Kaneesah Roarke for selecting Jolly Sienda Photography for this photography assignment!
Kaneesah Roarke, Excelsior College Alumni, Jolly Sienda Photography, Bremerton, Washington, USA.
Contact Jolly Sienda Photography for commercial photography assignments, environmental portrait photography, and all other photography services at Tel: 240-899-5295, E-mail:, Website: www.jollysiendaphotography,com